Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable – “Blowing Smoke”

Betty is very alarmed at Dr. Edna’s decision to cut Sally’s sessions down to once a week, mostly because she’s so attached to the Doctor herself. Rather than see an adult shrink of Dr. Edna’s recommendation, Betty quietly pleads to somehow keep seeing Dr. Edna herself. Betty doesn’t care that Dr. Edna is a child psychiatrist because, deep down, she’s still a child herself. Petulant, prone to tantrums when she doesn’t get her way…like when she spots Sally and Glenn in their meeting spot and yells at a retreating Glenn to stay away from Sally. She sends Sally to her room, telling her Glenn is bad, which, of course, Sally disagrees with. Then, later, deliberately, she tells Henry how the neighborhood is being taken over by “low caliber people” and that it’s time to move. Sally runs upstairs to cry on her bed, devastated. I’m picturing she and Glenn running away in the finale. I just hope that’s the worst thing that happens. It’s also noteworthy that Henry is about a hundred times warmer with the kids in that minute of screen time than Betty has in the history of this program.

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