Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: “Guy Walks Into An Advertising Agency”

As it turned out, when smarmy Guy pulled out the new org chart, Don was stuck in the very same place, Bert was a mere figurehead, and Roger’s name had to be handwritten on as an afterthought.  The only person who seemed to fare well in all this was Harry, who didn’t even realize he got a promotion until Pete pointed it out. Everyone else was left feeling uneasy.

But that was nothing compared to the after party.  First, there was cake for Joan, who was uncharacteristically emotional, but not for the reasons her co-workers thought.  Then, after Lois clearly imbibed way more of the alcohol Guy offered than the “delicatessen” that accompanied it, she got behind the wheel of the John Deere riding lawnmower Ken had previously parked in reception after he won the account.  Unfortunately for Guy, she probably couldn’t have driven the thing sober, let alone wasted, and she plowed right over the golden boy’s foot in a scene that shocked everyone.  As Guy writhed in pain and everyone else panicked, Joan sprang into action, calling for a tourniquet and keeping the victim calm.

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