Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: “Guy Walks Into An Advertising Agency”

That led to one of the best scenes of the season so far, with Don rushing to the hospital where Joan filled him in on the news (he’d been elsewhere) in her blood-stained dress.  The two had a moment, which reminded us of their mutual admiration and respect.  It’s hard to imagine Joan will be gone from Sterling Cooper for long.  Maybe Harry will need to staff up in the TV department soon?

Then, the fussy Brits arrived to lament the tragic end to Guy’s career, which was cut short by his loss of a foot and the resulting inability to golf.  Is it wrong that that line made me laugh out loud?  Amazing how much the world has changed since 1963.  The beneficiary of this freak accident was Lane Pryce, who earlier in the episode had been told to pack his bags for Bombay, India in return for trimming the fat and increasing billings at Sterling Cooper.  We didn’t get to see his reaction, but I was oddly pleased for him.

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