Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable – “Hands and Knees”

For the second week in a row, Faye was there to help Don pick up the pieces when he thought everything was falling apart. She took home a stricken looking Don and was witness to his disturbing panic attack after some lost strangers freaked him into thinking his carefully constructed cover was blown. In his most vulnerable moment, he spilled the truth. Faye barely flinched; she wanted to help him make it right. When Don managed to get Pete to investigate and then actually resign the opportunity altogether, it was like he was made of telfon all over again. And Pete still can’t understand why he’s willing to take the bullet for Draper. But it seems this whole episode has somehow soured things with Faye. It’s like she knows too much now. The mystique is completely gone. In mere moments he confessed to her things Betty only learned once she found the key to his drawer and forced it out of him. You know who doesn’t know anything and is great with kids? Meghan!

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