Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable – “Hands and Knees”

Perhaps the most unusual development of all came from Lane Pryce. It appears that Don setting him up with that hooker a few months back really allowed Lane to let his freak flag fly, and he’s been hanging out at the Playboy Club, making time with someone he calls his “chocolate bunny”. She’s a double whammy on a good day–a black Playboy bunny–but somehow this is all even worse when it’s added to Lane’s insanely uptight British upbringing. His father’s chilly demeanor belied a violent streak that manifested itself in him hitting Lane with his cane and standing on his hand in order to get him to go back to England. Seeing this dynamic between a grown man and his father is unsettling at best, but as we learn more about sweet, somewhat damaged Lane, it’s just plain sad. He was raised to be repressed and proper, but that won’t do anymore. He’s definitely a walking metaphor for the times.

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