Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable – “The Summer Man”

We haven’t seen much of Betty since the Great Masturbation Scandal of 1965, but she goes out to dinner with Henry to meet with another political mover and shaker. Of course, they end up at the same restaurant as Don and Bethany (who has never looked more ridiculously young). Betty comes a little unhinged, but she and Henry head over to make with the greetings. Bethany looks like a younger version of Betty here, down to the same hairdo, which doesn’t sit well. (Also, note that Betty is dressed as matronly as we’ve ever seen her in this scene.)

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One Comment

  1. I just rewatched this episode during its rerun on AMC Sunday mornings – the first time I saw it, I noted that it was the first time “Mad Men” ended with the credits rolling but no music playing over them. I wondered if there was something particular in the episode that made it special (like the silent clock in “24”). However, I wasn’t certain, so I’d be interested in hearing what you or other readers have to say about the matter.

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