Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable, Season 3, Episode 10 (Oct 22)

So Peggy saved the day by taking the concept, crunching it down into the highlights, and ad libbed the image of a hair net falling off a can of Aquanet to cleverly point out, with Aquanet, you won’t need a hair net. Kinsey took great exception to this and confronted Peggy and challenged her to a creative duel of sorts on the Western Union campaign. Kinsey worked deep into the night, and his booze fueled late-night conversation with Achilles the janitor gave him the idea. Oh, what an idea it was. This idea was his meal ticket. He pumped his fist, tapped his feet, and drank yet another drink to his own brilliance. Then he passed out drunk and by the time his secretary woke him up at 9:00 a.m. the next morning, that idea was gone. Kinsey couldn’t remember it, and had nothing. And our ever philosophical Paul Kinsey could only quote the Chinese to sum up his dilemna.

“The faintest ink is better than the best memory.”

I am sorry, as I’m not typically one for a play-by-play recap of a television show, but this sub-plot was important. Paul Kinsey wanted to do everything himself. Paul Kinsey wanted his single idea and slogan to carry the day. Whatever it was he’d thought of, it was perfection. But it didn’t turn out as he’d planned.

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