Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: Season 3, Episode 5 – “The Fog”


Unlike Don (Kowalewski, not Draper), I don’t really get fan mail.  I’m not quite that big time.  So, I’ll just try to cover the things that spoke to me in this less frantic episode.


Couple of things, dear Mad Men producers.  To date this season, there has not been nearly enough Joan.  I’m waiting for that to change.  There was also not enough of the Peggy/Pete fallout, which is probably just simmering.  However, his parting shot during their dustup in the SC bullpen, “Your decisions affect me”, was about as pointed as anything anyone’s ever said on this show.  I do love that you can count on these writers to bring old storylines full circle, as was the case with the re-emergence of our old pal Herman “Duck” Phillips.  And now he’s saying words like “nosh” and wearing turtlenecks!  I agree with Don (Kowalewski, not Draper) that it seems clear Peggy will ultimately stay put at Sterling Cooper, even without the raise she was ballsy enough to ask Don Draper for this week.  Once again I can see the parallels between belt-tightening corporate mergers of 1963 and the same thing in today’s ad world.

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