Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: Season 3, Episode 5 – “The Fog”


Pete has found a kindred spirit in Lane Pryce, who backed his pitch for integrated media to the Admiral TV people when both Roger (who called him Martin Luther King) and Bert Cooper were furious.  Watching the show lay out such an extensive and well-researched campaign, circa 1963, was a cool thing for the media professional in me to see.  When it comes right down to it, Pete is good at his job, and looks like he might even be a bit of an innovator.  Who knew? His conversation with Hollis in the elevator was what we today might call “out of the box thinking” and he has better instincts than I’d ever thought before. He also has a fan in Duck, who remains a little shady.  It’s impossible to imagine anything Duck is doing isn’t just to benefit Duck in the end.  He’s not that magnanimous.

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