Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: “The Suitcase”

It’s also Peggy’s birthday, and this is the impetus for Duck Phillips re-surfacing for more than two seconds, but his desperation and drunkenness are obvious to Peggy, even over the phone.  And, despite her momentary joy at seeing the “Phillips-Olson Advertising” card mock ups, she sobers up and pulls her head out of the clouds pretty quickly.  Duck Phillips is one hell of a big talker, but he wasn’t going to pull her in again.

While getting ready to head to dinner with Mark, Peggy runs into the receptionist in the bathroom.  She’s impressed by Peggy’s plans and says she’s “doing alright” for the ripe old age of 26.  After she departs, we see a very pregnant Trudy emerge from a stall, and they exchange some pleasantries.  On their way out, Trudy says “you know, 26 is still…very young”, which she naturally assumes will be a comfort to the spinster.  Somehow, Peggy doesn’t choke her.  Then, she gets called into Don’s office.  Oh, and, Pete’s scared, nervous face when the two come out of the restroom together is priceless.

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