The 12 Days of Christmas Episodes

The 25 Days of Christmas Episodes – Day 23 – Arrested Development “Afternoon Delight”

It’s time for the annual Bluth Company Christmas party, and morale is at an all-time low. GOB thinks he can turn it all around with the party, specifically the part where the employees toast him. Only, as Michael explains. “It’s a roast. And they only did it to Dad because they thought he had a sense of humor about himself. He didn’t. And neither do you.” Meanwhile, Michael’s having a hard time because son George Michael would rather spend Christmas with his girlfriend, Ann, and her family. (“But they’re celebrating on Bethlehem time, which I think is pretty early.”) And Lindsay doesn’t even want to bring her daughter, Maeby, to the party because she’s hoping to hook up. In fact, she wants her husband, Tobias, to come along just so people know he’s not intimidating. (“When people hear ‘Tobias’, they think of a big Black guy.”)

GOB starts the party early, since there’s no point in letting people go home to change (“We don’t need them trying to compete with a $6,000 suit.”), and Michael and Maeby end up attending as an uncle-niece activity. In order to prove to George Michael and Lindsay that they’re having fun, they take the first turn on the karaoke machine, realizing too late that “Afternoon Delight” is a completely inappropriate song for an uncle and niece. Shortly thereafter, GOB takes the stage and ends up firing the entire company.

Michael takes the reigns and hosts a second party at the banana stand to re-hire everybody. GOB, in an attempt to endear himself to the employees, dresses up like a banana. But it’s only when a stoned Lucille runs him and the banana stand over that they really find GOB funny. (And she’s stoned because Michael tried to convince her boyfriend (and brother-in-law) Oscar to, well, satisfy her and calm her down. Oscar thought they were talking about marijuana, though.)

There’s a daring rescue courtesy of Buster, who’s missed his first day in the Army by obsessing over an arcade claw machine, which ends in an absolutely hysterical sight gag. Also, there’s a side plot about Tobias being savagely beaten by Lucille and getting a concussion. Plus, some clever foreshadowing with Buster winning a stuffed seal with the claw, and a really subtle set-up for a revelation in the series finale. (Check out the graffiti on the banana stand – that will make complete sense at the end of the series, and I just now picked up on it after seeing the episode about a dozen times.)

Sure, it’s not the most Christmas-y entry on the countdown, but it may well be the funniest.

Best Line – OK, as you read this, remember that Michael is referring to sex, and Oscar is talking about pot.
Michael: My mom is very stressed out, and, uh, she needs something that I can’t give her. Maybe a little… Afternoon Delight?
Oscar: Well, sure. The question is, which way do I try to get it in her.
Michael: I don’t need any details.
Oscar: Maybe I’ll put it in her brownie.

Christmas Tropes:

Santa Claus – George Sr., hiding in the attic, wears Santa Claus pants. The rest of the suit, along with the other Christmas decorations, are visible in the background.

Musical number – Two different performances of “Afternoon Delight”. By the way, Jason Bateman can not sing.

Celebrity guests – Star Jason Bateman directed this episode. That’s not exactly a “guest”, but it’s worth noting.

Learning a lesson – Oh, there’s no lesson. It’s only a lesson when J. Walter Weatherman and his prosthetic arm show up. “And that’s why we always leave a note!”

Cheer-o-meter Score: Ah, there’s not much in the way of Christmas here, but the decorations at the Bluth party are pretty hysterical. I’m giving it an 8, because I’ve seen it so many times and this time still made me laugh really hard. After a day of work and Christmas shopping, that’s pretty huge.

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