The 12 Days of Christmas Episodes

The 25 Days of Christmas Episodes – Day 9 – King of the Hill “’twas the Nut Before Christmas” (Dec 9)

Only, once New Year’s Day comes around, Bill just gets more decorations, including a Santa-themed bounce house. That’s right, he’s going to be a year-round Santa Claus. By Martin Luther King Day, Bill’s Santa suit is stained and torn, but it’s all he wears. When that single mother brings him his meal, she’s horrified to see that Bill’s still playing Santa, and has even hired an elf. (“The Arlen midget. He comes with the bounce house.”)

In the Laundromat, after accidentally shrinking his Santa suit, Bill meets a twentysomething named Wally. Wally immediately starts exploiting Bill’s misplaced Christmas spirit, scamming some cash and then bringing his friends over to drink beer and make out in the bounce house.

Meanwhile, Bobby is tired of being treated like a kid, and heads to Bill’s house to buy beer from Wally. He and his friends get wasted in the bounce house. Not one to stand for shenanigans, Hank goes into full asskicking mode and tries to straighten Bill out. Bill finally confronts Wally, to the best of his abilities, which results in Wally storming out.

After a few days of moping around, Bill gets a call from Wally. From jail. Turns out Wally ran up Bill’s stolen credit card and filled his stolen car with cigarettes and jerky. Bill convinces the judge that Wally would be better off in the Army than in jail. That ending is funnier if you know that Bill is an Army barber. I probably should have mentioned that.

Best Line – Hank Hill: “Looks like it’s going to be a great year. Notre Dame lost, Bill had a great Christmas, and now he’s taking down his decorations instead of trying to hang himself with them.”

Christmas Tropes:

Santa Claus – Is there ever! Bill spends 2/3 of the episode in a Santa suit, which gets progressively smaller and dingier. It’s sad and hilarious at the same time.

Gifts – Bill gives out a number of gifts to children he doesn’t know, including a trombone. Wally gives Bill a belt sander. Specifically, Hank’s belt sander.

Celebrity Guest – Wally is voiced by the former Mr. Reese Witherspoon, Ryan Phillippe.

Learning a lesson – Christmas spirit is all well and good, but you should probably confine it to correct month.

Cheer-o-meter Score: While any glimpse into Bill’s life is monumentally depressing, this episode is aggressively likeable, and everything works out in the end. That’s an 8.
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