The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy “Operation: Troy is Awesome”

Happy Friday!  Wait a minute – it’s Friday the 13th.  Suddenly, we’re trepidatious about the bad luck that is no doubt headed our way.  What are we doing out here anyway?  Shouldn’t we find someplace safe to hide until the 14th comes along and drives away the terror?  Apparently, we are risking our lives to bring you The Best TV Shows on TV – our weekly look at the best television shows we saw.  We’re very dedicated in that way.

It was another big week, with several of our favorites wrapping up their seasons.  We saw alternate universes, the strangest boxing match ever, tiny Keanu Reeves, gunfights, new dogs, and we find out important it really is to… Know Ya’ Boo!

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  1. Awesome! Two shout-outs in one column! WINNING!

  2. We’re about one week away from renaming this feature “Larry Young Presents TV’s Moments of Joy”.

  3. Go, Larry! It’s your birthday!

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