The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Complisults and Explanabrags

Community–The show was shot as an Abed-directed documentary this week, with Pierce and his fake death bed as the subject.  We learned of Troy’s intense and slightly creepy adoration of Levar Burton (who showed up and knocked it out of the park, even singing the Reading Rainbow theme and uttering the line “more fish for Kunta”.  You can’t beat that!)  We also learned of something called a “complisult” (a compliment that sound like an insult, which Jeff invented and Britta named) and an “explanabrag”, which Britta gave to the camera by telling  us what a complisult was in the first place.  You guys, Britta and Jeff are actually perfect for each other.  Joel McHale and Chevy Chase were great in their scenes, as Pierce’s weird “bequeathings” of gifts on the study group included him telling Jeff he’d found his estranged father.  We’ve now got a bit more insight into both characters, and some pretty great acting, especially by McHale.  Who knew the Talk Soup guy would turn out to be such a thesp?

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