The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Complisults and Explanabrags

Top Chef – This week’s elimination challenge required the All-Stars to make a dish to feed 100 people in a Target store, using only items and ingredients available at the store.  Dale actually made grilled cheese with an iron, like an enterprising college student.  This was pretty great,  but the Quickfire was even better.  The chefs had to make cookies, and joining Padma at the judge’s table were Cookie Monster, Elmo, and the oft-overlooked Telly.  Yes, the worlds of Top Chef and Sesame Street collided, and it was incredible.  We saw Cookie Monster tear into some gourmet cookies, and the monsters offered some hysterical commentary.  Elmo was worried that Richard would hurt himself with his ever-present liquid nitrogen and Telly fretted about the timer.  And we really loved the way the chefs were so excited about meeting the Muppets – it doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re doing, if a Muppet shows up, your day is going to be amazing.

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