The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Complisults and Explanabrags

Parks and Recreation – It would be easier to just embed the new episode in this space every week, as every single episode is a thing of beauty.  This week, Adam Scott’s Ben took the spotlight as he accompanied Leslie and Tom on a media tour to promote the Harvest Festival.  It turns out, Ben is an absolute disaster once he gets near a microphone or a camera.  It all fell apart when they went on Pawnee’s most popular morning radio show, “Crazy Ira and the Douche” (played by Matt Besser and Nick Kroll), who ambushed Ben with questions about his disastrous time as a teen mayor.  (Which they learned about from a search on  Even the genial Perd Hapley caused a Ben-meltdown, forcing Leslie to go into damage control mode on Pawnee Today.  Meanwhile, Andy tried to win April over by doing all the jobs that she hated, which included writing a letter to April’s grandmother.  Or grandfather.  Andy wasn’t clear on that.  And then there was Ron, who explained that anything can be a portrait of melancholy, and delighted in his newfound typewriter.  In fact, he loved it so much that he announced he was going to type every word he knew, and that list began with “Rectangle.  America.  Megaphone.  Monday.  Butthole.”  All this, plus the kiss we’ve all been waiting for.  Once again, the highlight of the week.

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