The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Complisults and Explanabrags

So what made us happy on TV this week?

Jeopardy! — This week pitted Watson, a computer designed by IBM against two former champs of the human variety, including fan favorite Ken Jennings.  In general, it was terrifying to see Watson dominate the board.  A computer that can answer Jeopardy questions as written without a human intermediary is just one step closer to a real-life Skynet, which means we have to start arming ourselves right now and hoping that time travelers will show up to father mankind’s eventual savior.  Still, even our imminent defeat at the hands of an army of murderous cyborgs had its lighter side.  On the third night, Ken Jennings included, at the end of his Final Jeopardy question, “I, for one, welcome our new computer overlords”.  HA!  And not only funny, but a perfectly applied Simpsons reference.  At least we got one good laugh before the Kill-bots hit the streets.

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