The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Complisults and Explanabrags

The Office – This change of pace episode brought us the premiere of Threat Level Midnight.  Remember years back when Jim found a copy of Michael’s screenplay?  Well, Michael’s been working on it ever since.  (Including “one year of shooting, four years of reshoots”.)  And it was absolutely worth waiting for.  Between the cameos from former Dunder-Mifflinites like Jan and Karen, Dwight’s insistence that his character was a robot, and the plot twist that had the President (Darryl) trying to collect the insurance on a hockey stadium he owned, it was pure, lunatic brilliance.  Why do all of Michael Scarn’s past cases involve all-star games in various sports?  Who knows?  But it’s total Michael Scott logic.  We saw Creed as hockey mentor Cherokee Jack, Jim as villain Goldenface, and poor Toby as the guy who gets shot in the head.  (“The most expensive shot in the film.”)  This episode was an absolute blast, and we will not soon forget the musical number.

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