The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Complisults and Explanabrags

Hellcats – Yes, it’s that show on the CW about cheerleaders.  But you know what?  It’s awesome.  It totally passed us by at first, but spunkybuddy emeritus Larry Young recommended it, and then EJ’s sister seconded that recommendation.  First, it was a guilty pleasure, but it’s actually legitimately good.  This week’s episode, beside giving us a cheerleader toga party and a pretty sweet mash-up (which is more than Glee managed), but it seemingly resolved a season-long subplot.  See, law student Marti has spent all season trying to help Travis, a guy spending life in prison for a petty robbery.  Over the last few episodes, she learned that he was actually framed by the higher-ups at Lancer University to protect the real culprit, a college football star.  But the truth could doom the football program, and by extension, the Hellcats.  It made for a compelling story without an easy answer, since no matter what Marti chose, innocent people would get hurt.  It was a really strong episode.  Plus, you know, toga party!

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