The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Fish Meat is Practically a Vegetable

The Office – It looks like the splendid Christmas episode was no fluke – we may be seeing an Office resurgence.  Michael’s awkward relationship with Holly is making us uncomfortable, his team-ups with Erin are increasingly hilarious, and the cartoonishness that had been cropping up is mostly gone.  A very funny bit involved Creed’s desire to do “just one perfect cartwheel”.  Creed Bratton can work miracles with just about anything, and he nailed this one.  We also loved the subplot that had Andy, Dwight, and Darryl trying to meet loose women at a bookstore (actually, Darryl just wanted to get some books), nixing an afternoon strip club visit, and finally going roller skating.  We really should have guessed that Ed Helms would turn out to be really good at skating…

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