The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Free Elka!

Here we are, at the end of another week. Time to sit back and reflect on another week of pop culture and TV viewing.
This weekend is the big Lost prop auction. And this is where we wish that we had applied ourselves in school and lived up to that potential everybody said we had. Because if we were rich, we would absolutely tear that thing up. Yeah, we want a hunk of Flight 815 wreckage in our rec room. Maybe a couple of Charlie’s heroin-filled Virgin Mary statues. Perhaps Mr. Eko’s Jesus Stick. But the item that’s just killing us is Pelt Baby. Yes, they are selling the actual Pelt Baby. As you know, this little effigy was a source of minor obsession this season. OK, not so minor. If EJ could afford it, he would totally carry the little guy around like a papoose. And if anybody ever asked him, he would cry out “It was all I had!” and run away.
In the next few days, there are a lot of premieres we’re excited about. IFC brings us Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town, and Adult Swim presents the new seasons of Delocated and Children’s Hospital. We’ll definitely be talking about those next week. But there was still plenty to make us happy this time around. So what tugged at our smile-strings? Read on!

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