The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Jon Hamm-O-Rama

Delocated – Now that’s how you do a season finale!  And we’re just going to put a SPOILER WARNING here, although we’ll leave out the big surprise.  Sometimes Delocated likes to remind us that it isn’t all tortilla hats and ‘breves, and that Jon’s life is legitimately in danger.  This week we learned that Mighty Joe John the Black Blond had been funneling information about Jon to the Mirminskys, all to increase the ratings of Delocated.  After all, Jon getting shot would be a ratings bonanza.  A failed attempt on his life during a motorcycle stunt puts Jon in a coma, and that only leads to the spinoff Who Wants to Wake a Guy in a Coma and Be a Millionaire? There’s even a coma wedding (well, almost).  The season ends with a tense standoff between Jon and Sergei and an unexpected resolution.  And while one of out favorite characters doesn’t make it, it’s the emotional toll on Jon that’s most surprising.  We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – this is one of the funniest shows on TV.  But there’s some strong character work going on here, and it’s impossible not to feel for poor Jon as the season ends.  We can’t wait for Season Three!

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One Comment

  1. Don Kowalewski

    Love the Jon Hamm video. LOVE IT.

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