The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Jon Hamm-O-Rama

The Good Guys – “The only time a man should go to the hospital is when he’s been shot.  And I’m not talking about the leg or the shoulder, something you can fix with duct tape.” This week, Dan Stark fainted at a crime scene and ended up on desk duty until he could be cleared medically.  As funny as deskbound Dan was (especially when he was convinced that he could die at any moment), what we really loved was the way that Jack bored his new partner with Dan stories, the same way Dan does with his stories of ex-partner Frank.  It was a cute bit, and it really showed how close these two have gotten already.  Another ridiculously fun episode from one of our favorites!

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One Comment

  1. Don Kowalewski

    Love the Jon Hamm video. LOVE IT.

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