The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Jon Hamm-O-Rama

Children’s Hospital–Now, this was a LIVE season finale (we think), and though the plot made little sense (does it ever?), we were amused by seeing Principal Figgins from Glee as a Muslim in need of a finger transplant, who won’t be worked on by a woman or a Jew and the return of Dr. Cat Black!  But, best of all by a mile was when Valerie took off her “disguise” to reveal that she was not really Valerie, but rather Derek Childrens, the son of hospital founder Arthur Childrens, and being played by none other than Jon Hamm!  Our squeals dissolved into laughter when Derek basically did the end of Tootsie, including actual lines from the movie and Dustin Hoffman’s hokey southern accent.  It was classic.

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One Comment

  1. Don Kowalewski

    Love the Jon Hamm video. LOVE IT.

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