The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Jon Hamm-O-Rama

Survivor—While this once promising season has grown increasingly frustrating, we were still happy to see the demise of Marty, supposed puppet master and Heat Miser wannabe.  And we’re still not sure how NaOnka is still around, but we’re now sure that, as Jeff pointed out, someone’s gonna want to take her annoying ass to the end.  And it will serve them right when this obnoxious human being actually wins for being a complete asshat for 39 days.

Big Bang Theory—It was the return of Wil Wheaton, or as Sheldon calls him, “the Jar Jar Binks of the Star Trek Universe”!  We love this recurring rivalry and all the material it provides, including the fact that Sheldon follows Will on twitter and Wheaton’s spot on Jar Jar and Jean Luc Picard impressions.  The B plot had Sheldon’s non-girlfriend Amy hanging out with Penny and Bernadette and it was as awkward as you knew it would be.  For example, Amy’s idea of an acceptable Truth or Dare question is “what is the circumference of your areolas?”  We know Penny’s still sort of in love with Leonard, but maybe she needs to find some new girlfriends, like, pronto.

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One Comment

  1. Don Kowalewski

    Love the Jon Hamm video. LOVE IT.

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