The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy–Leftovers Edition

We bring you this week’s Moments in Joy from a line outside of an Ohio Best Buy, where we’re pretty psyched about the deal we’re getting on a sweet 50 inch plasma screen TV.  While we’re waiting in this driving rainstorm and trying not to upset the questionable-looking  guy in the camouflage coat, we thought we might share with you what made us happy on TV this holiday week!

Saturday Night Live—The show bounced back from the fairly awful Scar Jo episode with Anne Hathaway, who was more than game for anything the writers threw at her.  She did a solid job as Kate Middleton in a sketch where Fred Armisen and Bill Hader  played The Queen and Prince Phillip as characters straight out of Oliver Twist, and did an uncanny take on Katie Holmes as a guest on “The Miley Cyrus Show” which was…pretty cool.  But the best of the night had to go to the fake Black Friday commercial for a place called MegaMart.  It hilariously spoofed all the outrageous and overblown sales we Americans are subjected to this time of year.  (“we have 93 year old actor Kirk Douglas hidden somewhere in the store…be one of the first three people to touch him and win!”)  Anne stole the show again, as an overzealous customer pumped up on Four Loco.

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