The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy–Leftovers Edition

How I Met Your Mother—In the episode called “Blitzgiving”, we met a guy named The Blitz (real name Steve), who is seemingly cursed, as all the cool stuff seems to happen as soon as he leaves the room and/or building.  The twist was when Ted called it an early night the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to work on prepping his Turkey within a Turkey (a Turturkeykey, patent pending).  He missed an epic night of partying, and became The Blitz!  Steve was played by our beloved Jorge Garcia (aka Hurley from Lost, if you didn’t know for some odd reason) and the show smartly worked in Lost references (“I’ve been trapped on this island for so long”, on losing the curse), or having the curse travel between people (at some point, Ted passed it to Barney) just like Smokey did, only this curse was a white plume of smoke, rather than black.  Plus, we got a little more development on the whole Ted & Zoe storyline, which is obviously going somewhere interesting.

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