The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy–Leftovers Edition

Courgartown—This week, Jules wanted to have a “romantic Thanksgiving” for herself and Grayson, so everyone was forced to dress up for the holiday and groove to Teddy Pendergrass.  Lori decided to wear nine outfits, a la Katie Perry at the MTV Music Awards , and it was great episode-long visual.  Plus, there was Lori’s phone, onto which she downloaded the new “App App”.  It featured the head of Zach Braff suggesting appetizers at restaurants.  Obviously, a nod to Bill Lawrence’s other series, and its former star.  Love it!

Modern Family—Does this show ever have a truly bad week?  We don’t think so.  This week, Haley broke up with Dylan, and Phil took it the hardest.  He tried to comfort the crushed teenager by buddying up to him, and suggesting they were two peas in a pod. “I was a lot like you in high school; except my hair was shorter and my guitar was a flute.”  Nice try, P. Daddy, or should we say Vitamin P?  Nah, we’ll stick with Phil.

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