The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Now with More Hiking Paper

And it’s Friday! The time when we like to look at the things that made us happy on TV during the week. The second week of premiere season brought us all sorts of great stuff, and we’re really just scratching the surface. (You guys, we watch a lot of TV.)
Before we begin, we’d just like to mention Greg Giraldo, who passed away this week. You might have seen him as one of the judges on Last Comic Standing, where he was really, really funny. But it’s more likely that you know him from Comedy Central’s celebrity roasts, where he stole the show every time. The man was a really great comedian, and things are going to be less funny without him. Look up some clips online – the roasts and his stand-up are fantastic.
And now, let’s shift back to happy thoughts, with the things that brought joy to our hearts this week,
The Apprentice — You think you’ve seen dysfunction before? The Men’s team raised the bar this week. Project Manager James was not popular with his team, and nobody disliked him more than Dave. If you watched The Office, you saw how Michael Scott reacted to being forced into a counseling session with his nemesis Toby. That’s how Dave reacted to James. For what might be the first time in Apprentice history, a Project Manager kicked one of his teammates off of a task, as James sent Dave packing after an argument over whether or not a binder clip is a nail.
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