The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Now with More Hiking Paper

Running Wilde – Sure enough, as we hoped last week, now that they’ve established the premise, the joke-to-exposition ratio shot right up. Peter Serafinowicz as Steven’s friend Fa’ad just steals all of his scenes – the man is hilarious. (Which does not surprise those of us who know him as the creator of Look Around You.) And having David Cross in a larger role made us happy – he and Will Arnett are great together, and it was fun seeing them at each other’s throats. Best of all, they threw in a joke just for us Arrested Development fans – every time somebody said “Come on!” in exasperation, somebody else would ask them to “Stop saying that”. See, “Come on!” was sort of a running gag for Will Arnett’s GOB back on AD. Also, “hiking paper” cracked us right up. We don’t know if anybody else is watching this show, but we’re in love.

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