The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Now with More Hiking Paper

Eastbound and Down – Kenny Powers is back for Season Dos! After burning every last bridge, he went down to Mexico to make a living on the cockfighting circuit. His hair might have been the best visual joke of the week, whether in cornrows or in hilarious disarray after being un-cornrowed. If that is a word, and it most definitely isn’t. We loved the scenes where he dictates his new book (he and Roger Sterling should find a project together), his interactions with his new sidekicks (right up until they rob him), and best of all, his speech to the local baseball team. We love whenever Kenny forces groups of people to listen to his self-serving speeches, and this was a great one. Also, we just found that there is a “Kenny Powers Home Run Fiesta” app on iTunes. If you’ll excuse us, we have some downloading to do….

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