The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Residual Pixie Dust

We were a little worried when we heard that the fall season would focus more on relationships, because that sounds like the kind of thing that would mean fewer scenes where Dan drives cars through buildings.  But the introduction of Samantha just added more depth to the Jack/Liz relationship.  Mostly, Jack just pines over Liz, but even if he hasn’t noticed Sam’s crush, Liz has, and her reactions have been interesting.  Samantha is adorable and funny, and she actually makes us love The Good Guys more than we already did.  That shouldn’t even be mathematically possible!

Eastbound and Down – The penultimate episode of the season finally saw Kenny Powers getting his act together.  Well, as much as he ever does, at any rate.  There were so many awesome moments this week, but his speech in the clubhouse has to be the high point.  It almost looked like Kenny turned a corner when he began his speech by apologizing to his former team, but he’s actually apologizing because he assumes that they’ve been struggling and miserable without him.  He even takes credit for the games they won since he left the team  (“residual Kenny Powers pixie dust”).  Kenny wants to play one last game for a major league scout, but he presents his request as a favor to them, one last chance to play with the great Kenny Powers.  It’s a great scene – not only because his speech is wildly funny, but because it presents a Kenny who has learned some lessons over the season.  Not the right lessons, you understand.  He shook off the self-pity and went back to being the same jerk he’s always been.

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