The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Smoke on That, Jerk!

Conan – Our buddy Chris Colfer (Kurt from Glee) stopped by, and revealed that his grandfather’s last words, no kidding, were “That’s what she said”.  Also, we learned that he practices with sai (those weapons that Elektra uses) and he gave us a demonstration.  Sure, he almost put out Andy’s eye at the end, but the fact that Colfer has access to ninja weapons just brightened our day.

Survivor – So, here’s a look behind the scenes at spunkybean.  Myndi and EJ are sharply divided as to whether or not host Jeff Probst is delightful or a smarmy ass.  But this week’s tribal council pretty much cemented him as ‘delightful’.  The episode itself was fairly weak, with Survivor devoting most of its running time to plugging Jack Black’s new movie.  We can accept movie night on Big Brother, since they’re in a house all summer, but there is absolutely no reason for us to have to sit through the “Survivor Cinema”.  That said, both NaOnka and “Purple Kelly” (who still has that nickname even though the other Kelly left the show several episodes ago) announced their desire to quit at the reward challenge.  So Jeff grilled them at tribal council, and he took particular glee in hassling NaOnka.  The best part was when he asked NaOnka if she believed, prior to quitting, that she had a chance at winning.  And when she said that she did, Jeff straight up laughed at her.  Not only is Jeff disappointed in the quitter, but he thinks it’s hilarious that she entertained the illusion that she could ever win.  Even if you’re not a Probst fan, that’s still a pretty great moment.

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One Comment

  1. Don Kowalewski

    Probst is awesome. And I will have words with anyone who says otherwise.

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