The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Smoke on That, Jerk!

Raising Hope–This show has become a consistently funny, quirky delight and it’s full of heart.  This week, Jimmy is hitting the wall with taking care of adorable little Hope, something all new parents experience.  Virginia and Burt discuss it and Burt points out that “Babies are cool, until you’ve done everything there is to do with them, then you get bored.  That’s why TV shows about babies never last more than a year.”  HA!  Burt then confesses to Jimmy how he hated him when he was a baby (and hated himself for it), until he found himself an outlet, playing guitar.  This dovetails something called Grocerypalooza, an annual event at the store where Jimmy works, which is a perfect excuse to have  Jason Lee show up as Smokey Floyd, the washed up one hit wonder who wrote “Burning Deep Inside” (now a hemorrhoid commercial) to perform in the produce section with Burt on backup.  Smokey also wore such tight pants that he eventually lost a testicle.  But his hair was remarkable.  He’s also a giant douche, who Burt gets to bean with a guitar and create a new catch phrase, “Smoke on that, jerk!”, which serves him well as an Internet sensation.

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One Comment

  1. Don Kowalewski

    Probst is awesome. And I will have words with anyone who says otherwise.

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