The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – The Best TV Shows on TV

Eagleheart – While Chris Elliot’s Walker, Texas Ranger parody hasn’t reached the heights of Adult Swim’s Childrens Hospital or Delocated, it’s still some great absurdist entertainment with occasional bursts of brilliance.  Last week’s episode, for example, revealed that U.S. law enforcement can’t prosecute “sky crime”, which means that anything done by somebody who’s in the air is completely legal.  So Chris got a jetpack (complete with hilariously low-budget FX) and started shooting sky criminals.  The best joke had two guys on trampolines selling drugs – Sky Crime!

And with that, we’re going to call it a week.  Remember, if we’re missing any of your favorite best shows on TV,  let us know.  If we find out later that we haven’t been watching some of TV’s best shows, we’re going to hold you responsible!  We won’t  be mad, exactly.  More disappointed.

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One Comment

  1. great summary. I love Raising Hope and Modern Family. I can’t wait to see the breakout Kings you have wetted my appetite.

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