The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – The Best TV Shows on TV

Lights Out – After we raved about Reg E. Cathey last week, Lights Out upped the ante with another Oz graduate.  This time Eamonn Walker (who we will always think of as Kareem Said) joined the cast as Lights’ new trainer.  Patrick’s father (Stacey Keach) cut him off after last week’s fight, which left Lights to find somebody else to help prepare for his fight with Death Row Reynolds.  Retired trainer Ed Romeo (Walker) reluctantly stepped in.  The cast of Lights Out was pretty well established within the first episode or two, so introducing Ed to the mix was a great move.  He clashed with Light’s brother (who has it coming), freaked out his daughter, and tore into Lights for getting fat.  We loved seeing him again, and he approached Ed differently from the way he played Kareem.  We’re used to seeing him play a proud, controlled man, but here he was raspy and twitchy.  Not defiant, as we often saw Said, but more of an amused observer.  It’s a quirky performance, and a lot of fun to watch.  And of course it goes without saying that this was another strong episode in an excellent drama that’s proving to be one of the best television shows out there.

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One Comment

  1. great summary. I love Raising Hope and Modern Family. I can’t wait to see the breakout Kings you have wetted my appetite.

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