The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – The Best TV Shows on TV

Breakout Kings – OK, this A&E drama actually premieres this coming Sunday, but since they were kind enough to send us a screener, we consider it one of this week’s Moments of Joy.  We reviewed it earlier this week, but we wanted to mention Jimmi Simpson’s Lloyd Lowery once more.  If you’ve seen him as Liam McPoyle on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, you know he is a very funny actor.  And here, it’s a real kick to see him play somebody other than the inbred McPoyle.  Lloyd is a brilliant behaviorist who can spot anybody’s weaknesses or insecurities, including his own.  And he’s seemingly incapable of keeping these observations to himself.  He calls out everybody with his spot diagnoses, and doesn’t filter himself at all.  And best of all, he brings some of that McPoyle creepiness along with him.

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One Comment

  1. great summary. I love Raising Hope and Modern Family. I can’t wait to see the breakout Kings you have wetted my appetite.

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