The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: The Cone of Trust

Best verbal exchange goes to Jay and Manny: Jay:  That a skateboard down there? (looking at it on the bottom of the pool) Manny: The second thing that slipped right out from under me today. (the first being his childhood, of course.)

Conan – Week Two of Conan O’Brien’s TBS show was a delight.  Russell Brand was hilarious, promoting his new book, Helen Mirren’s sexuality, and the concept of hats.  (Though he conceded that Conan shouldn’t cover his hair, so he should consider a cellophane hat or perhaps a glass dome.)  Conan obsessed over his blimp and a bit wonderfully awry thanks to Andy Richter wearing the wrong color shirt for a greenscreen effect.  (“I’m a news ghost!”)  But the best thing may have been Harrison Ford’s interview.  Ford isn’t known for being a great interview, but he was so off here that it led to immediate online speculation that he was, and I quote, “drunk off his ass”.  We don’t know for sure, but it certainly seemed that way, given that it took several seconds of silence for him to phrase answers to even the simplest questions.  And man, if you want to see somebody who just doesn’t give a damn, you need to see Harrison Ford when the topic of a fifth Indiana Jones movie comes up.  That dude just doesn’t care about Indiana Jones at all at this point.  After a first week of fun, personable guests, it was about time for Conan to have to deal with a cranky guy who just didn’t want to be there.  It’s a talk show requirement!

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