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Top Chef – The new season is off to a great start, and this week’s episode provided a couple of great challenges.In the Quickfire, randomly selected groups of two had to create a sandwich.But they had to do it while wearing two-person aprons.Yeah, that’s right.They had to move in sync, and each chef only had the use of one hand.And that’s awesome, because, you know, they use knives.At least one chef was actively afraid of losing a hand.And for the elimination challenge, they had to build a cafeteria menu while working under the same budget restrictions as an actual Washington DC public school.Frankly, any challenge that reminds us of the much-loved Shaq’s Big Challenge is going to be a hit.It was a lot of fun to see them try and get all fancy with the cafeteria food – with a limited budget, they still found room for cilantro.Top Chef has some of the most creative challenges in the business, and it’s good to see they’re still in fine form.Also, the alpha-male maneuvering between Angelo and Kenny is absolutely fascinating.This rivalry is only going to be resolved with blood.

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