The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: The Fall Preview

Not only is it Friday, but it’s the Friday before Premiere Week.  That’s right, all of our favorites are coming back, and they’re bringing along a crop of potential new favorites.

If history has taught us anything, it’s that easily half of the fall premieres won’t live to see a second season.  Maybe it’s because they look like something we’ve seen one million times before, maybe they’re just poorly executed, or maybe they are, for reasons we can’t begin to fathom, a knockoff of the Fantastic Four.  (Oh, No Ordinary Family.  What are we to do with you?  And Michael Chiklis, you were actually in the Fantastic Four movies – it’s not like you don’t know any better!)  But somewhere in there could be this season’s Modern Family.  A year ago, the Emmy-winner was just another name on the schedule, and our reaction was “Oh, cool.  Ed O’Neill’s got a new show.”

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