The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Zombies, Draculas, and Ghost Monkeys!

Big Bang Theory-We’re missing Kaley Cuoco this week, as this episode must have been taped during her recovery from her broken leg.  Filling that void is Leonard hooking up with Raj’s sister, swinging through L.A. from India, on her way to Toronto.  Apparently, this has happened before, and it’s a total booty call, which is awesome.  They get busted by Sheldon, who has a total inability to keep a secret, resulting in a scene where the truth comes out about the hook up, amongst many other things.  All four of the guys confess things they’ve done to each other over the years, and the whole thing just works.  Still, some of the best bit come back to Sheldon; Leonard being able to convince him he needs his sleep to avoid yawning during a presentation, so no one would see his “mis-shapen uvula” and the end tag that had him using his Snoopy SnoCone maker.  What a throwback that was!   There’s been a lot of chatter that recent episodes have been sort of Sheldon-heavy because of Jim Parson’s breakout status, but the writers seem to have found a way to strike a better balance of late.  Speaking of Jim, though, check him out on Sesame Street:

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