The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Zombies, Draculas, and Ghost Monkeys!

We weren’t happy to see spunkybuddy Mahsa be fired.  In fact, we yelled at the TV.  But we have to imagine that there’s a certain pride in being fired for no good reason than for something actually relating to your performance.  And heck, given the way everybody lost their minds over this non-issue, it was more like Mahsa finally got to escape the asylum.  So, while she didn’t win the season, at least she proved, week after week, to be awesome.  Or, as her Facebook fans like to think of it, Mahsome.

And that’s our week!  We’ll see you back her on Monday, which will put us right at the beginning of November sweeps.  Enjoy your Halloween, and be sure you let us know if you came up with an awesome costume.  One of us got lazy and slapped on a ski mask to be Jon from Delocated.  We do not have high hopes for winning the contest this year…

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