The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Zombies, Draculas, and Ghost Monkeys!

Cougar TownThis show is usually overshadowed by its lead-in, Modern Family.  But this week’s Halloween episode was really a lot of fun.  Not only did it feature a guest appearance from Ken Jenkins, better known as Bob Kelso on Scrubs, but we also got to see everybody in their Halloween costumes.  We loved Laurie and Ellie dressing like one another and then breaking out their best impressions, and Bobby’s “Windy Guy” was pretty darn funny.  But Andy as Burt Reynolds and Grayson as Prince just killed us.  Grayson really committed to the bit, tossing in some Prince mannerisms and everything.  And have you noticed that most episodes have a gag in the opening titles making fun of the terrible name for this show?  One episode indicated the series is called Badly-Titled Cougar Town, and this week we were assured that “Titles are Hard”.  Hee!

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