Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. “Careers in Science”

–Damn, Hank and Dean beat the hell out of HELPeR.

“I shook his hand – it’s all fat and stubby.  He must have, like, a huge mushroom down there.  So, does he have a Smurf living in it or what?” – Bud Manstrong

Bud confronts Anna about her tryst with Brock.  She storms off.  The boys toss the badly beaten HELPeR out of the airlock.  Doc makes an announcement over the PA about the hull breach, and the boys are happy to find out that he’s still alive.  Doc sends Brock and Bud out to repair the hull, and then notices something leaking from the control panel.  He opens it to find his little plastic cowboy (from the filmstrip at the beginning) melted inside the computer.

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