Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. “Careers in Science”

“Sir, you have plucked the flower of the woman I love.  I trust you will do the right and noble thing.  She will make a fine wife.  Her father invented the Mr. Mouth game, so she’s an heiress.  You two should be quite comfortable.” – Bud Manstrong

Outside, Bud insists that Brock marry Anna.  He then makes the mistake of laying a hand on Brock, who then beats the crap out of him and leaves him floating in space.  Doc pulls the melted cowboy out of the computer, and the Problem Light goes out.  The boys are reunited with Doc, and they immediately start fighting.  Anna debates whether or not to use the Gargantua’s claw to pull Bud back in, as Doc and the gang leave on the most phallic rocket ever.  Then we see Doc’s abandoned space suit slumped over the instrument panel.  Some stray urine drips out on to the control panel, and the Problem Light starts to blink.  In the tag, HELPeR crashes to Earth, right in front of the Venture Compound.

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