Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. “Careers in Science”

–The shot of frozen Brock always makes me laugh.  Here’s where we start getting insight into Doc’s relationship with his father, though here both Doc and Jonas know that it’s all a hallucination.  It’s a little while before we get to see that Jonas Venture was a full-fledged dick.  There are four different versions of Jonas that rotate with every shot – his usual appearance in his pinstripe suit and labcoat, the Doc Savage version with the torn shirt, Jonas in a spacesuit, and the Bond-ian wetsuit over the tuxedo look.  This really does a good job of establishing the idea of Jonas Venture.  He is all these guys.  And he’s also the worst father ever, but we really don’t see that yet.  (This is a sore subject for me.)  It’s weird how much in the first couple of episodes hinges on the idea of Doc as a pill-popper, especially since that characterization is about to disappear completely.

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