Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. – Season 1, Episode 3 “Midlife Chrysalis”

–Hee.  This is really the first episode where Hank and Dean have something other than overly-earnest jokey dialogue.  Doc mentions that he’s 43 years old, and they’ve been remarkably consistent with this – I believe he’s 46 in the most recent season, which isn’t quite real-time but it still fits the timeline nicely.

“Doesn’t usually get jumping until 11.  And you know, Friday.” – Brock Samson

They pull up to Nightin Ale’s, a strip club.  Doc puts on a hilarious toupee before they go in.  The bartender makes fun of Brock’s hair, and Brock reaches for his knife before remembering that he’s no longer licensed.  Doc flirts with a stripper, and then Brock intercepts her as she heads for the restroom.  At the Compound, Dean talks Hank into drinking a glass of something made up of every liquid in the kitchen plus spit.  Brock has sex with the stripper in the bathroom, but he’s distracted by memories of all the good times he’s had killing people, and he finds himself impotent.  Brock takes the keys from Doc and strands him there.  Once Brock is gone, an attractive woman in Asian robes buys Doc a drink.  It’s none other than Dr. Girlfriend in disguise, and this all a Monarch plot!

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