Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. “The Incredible Mr. Brisby”

“Reading from top to bottom.  Lisa.  Carol. Fremont.” – Dr. Venture

Brisby, having injected Doc with truth serum, asks him what he knows about cloning.  It does not go well, when Doc immediately claims to be Lisa Carol Fremont from Rear Window, and the polygraph shows that he’s telling the truth.  Molotov fills Brock in on the plot and once he finishes his business, he prepares to rescue the boys.  For their part, the boys are now fully mind-controlled and drafted into the OCLF.  Brock and Molotov polevault into the compound, but just miss the X-1’s takeoff.  Brock uses his communicator to call HELPeR, thinking he’ll override the controls.  Instead, HELPeR jumps out of the plane.  Back in the Brisby Dome, Doc has switched to channeling Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire. And then the OCLF attacks.

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