Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. “The Incredible Mr. Brisby”

“You don’t want to shoot me, boys.  You know me.  You know what I’ll do to you if you do.” – Brock Samson

The OCLF and the Bizzy henchmen slaughter one another.  Brock and Molotov arrive, but Molotov ditches him – she has work to do for her client.  A drugged up Doc falls over a railing and plummets to the ground – Brock uses a nailgun to snag the leg of his pants and stop his fall.  As his pants tear and he falls again, Brock stops him with the nailgun once more.  Then, Brock comes face to face with Mandalay.  The big man finally speaks, telling Brock he doesn’t really need this job, and he leaves.  The mind-controlled boys attack.  Brisby prepares his escape, but Molotov stops him, demanding that he turn some unspecified item over.  Brock knocks the boys’ heads together, bringing them back to their senses, and we see that last nail caught Doc in the wrist.  It ends with the boys realizing happily that they’re in Brisby Land.  In the tag, we see Molotov racing away in her convertible, assuring her employer over the phone that “the package has been secured, Mr. Bowie”.  We see that the panda is riding shotgun.

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