Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Bright Lights, Dean City – Venture Bro

–Brown Widow has six eyes! Gross! I love Dean’s desire to be a “boy reporter”, which gets funnier as he gets older. And man, “I’m Rusty” is ridiculously catchy. If anybody knows where I can get an MP3 or ringtone of that, I will love you forever. I like how Doc instantly bonds with Brown Widow, too. It’s so rare that somebody is impressed with Doc – it’s kind of cute. I really want to see more of this character.

“He must have got sucked into my Enigma Hole!” – Fat Chance

The payphone in the hall rings, and Doc answers excitedly. It’s Fat Chance, reading a script from the Revenge Society. He pretends to be a producer interested in Doc’s play, and tells Doc to come down to Impossible Plaza for a meeting. He catches a taxi, and once again, Underbheit is the driver. At the Plaza, Dean is typing out his letter of resignation. When Doc arrives, Richard cuts the power. Dean goes out looking for a fuse box as the villains reveal themselves to Doc – Underbheit, Professor Impossible, Fat Chance, and Lyndon Bee (as a human) and Ladyhawk (as a hawk). They surround him and move in for the kill. Then Fat Chance trips and falls on Doc. Dean finds the room where Richard keeps Cody, just as the Society discovers that Doc is missing, disappeared into Fat Chance’s personal dimensional portal. Dean turns on the power, but then releases Cody, who is clearly in agony. Cody runs around, setting everything on fire, while Dean (who’s apparently in charge of fire safety) tries to evacuate the building.

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